In 2009, British Columbia introduced the Wood First initiative to increase the use of wood in non-residential and multi-residential construction, and promote a culture of wood; and passed the Wood First Act to encourage greater use of wood in publicly funded construction.
The Wood First Program is managed by Forestry Innovation Investment Ltd. (FII), the BC government’s market development agency for forest products. The program brings together government, industry, trade associations, researchers, and entrepreneurs to make BC an acknowledged world leader in wood use, construction, and design.
In 2011, Cortex provided strategic advice to FII on the governance model for Wood First and developed terms of reference for the Wood First Advisory Committee (WFAC) that provides strategic direction on the program and recommends annual priorities for funding across broad investment categories.
We designed a client-focused approach to strategic investment planning, and conducted surveys and interviews with WFAC and service delivery organizations to clarify:
- priority target audiences
- desired behaviours regarding perception and use of wood
- the types of investments needed to incent these behaviours.
Since 2011 Cortex has designed and facilitated meetings with WFAC to prepare annual recommendations to FII on the allocation of Wood First investments (~$2.4 million). An investment planning cycle engages 12-20 participants in three to five days of workshops and conference calls.